So something that I don't normally address, is my personal struggle with anxiety. I hate admitting that there is something wrong with me on this sort of mental/emotional level. It's defeating, & for me it's impossible to deal with.
This issue, is still pretty fresh for me, it's only been 14 months since I've discovered that I struggled with this, & I only came to that conclusion because I had my first anxiety attack then. There isn't any reason for me to have such a problem. I just woke up one day.
I woke up feeling nervous. I didn't really know why, so I just kept going, I got dressed & went to chapel (here at VFCC we have chapel daily at 10am). I had an 11:30 class, right after chapel, so I was on my way to it, when I saw one of my close friends. I looked at him & freaked out. I have no idea why. I was sitting in my class & all of a sudden I couldn't breathe, I could feel the tears getting ready to run down my face. I began to freak out because I was freaking out & I didn't know why. I somehow managed to walk downstairs to Michaela's class & she took me away to get coffee & calm down. The rest of the day I just sat in my room, afraid to do anything. I called my mom & she helped me come to terms with what I had gone through. A panic attack.