Monday, September 8, 2014

Labor Day

Two weekends ago, for Labor Day, a small group of my friends & I decided to take off & head to the beach. One of us lives in Delaware so we were all able to stay at his house for a night & make it an overnight event. I can't fully explain how much this trip was really needed. After the first "week" of classes, all of us were pretty burnt out on school. We just weren't ready for summer to really be over, so taking this trip was exactly what the doctor ordered. 

Writer's Block

I've not posted recently, and even when I do post there's no schedule whatsoever. I tend to post on my own terms whenever I feel I have something to write about. Recently, however, I've not had anything to write about. 

I keep trying to think of things I could post, but it always leads me nowhere. I'm going to try to work on my block and figure out nice things to write about regularly. 

Sorry I've never been a well balanced blogger. 
