Sunday, March 29, 2015

Expert Advice || Social Media for Advertising & PR

Oh hey guys, now that 2 months have passed, I've just remembered I have this platform that I'm supposed to regularly update. So, where were we?
Today I'm going to talk (or rather, type) about what's probably the most relevant chapter from Social Media and the Law to me: Social Media Policies for Advertising and Public Relations.

After reading this chapter, I've now put together a list of a few tips to keep in mind when Advertising with Social Media.

  • Know your Purpose. There are many uses of social media in public relations and advertising. It's important that you define exactly what it is you want to accomplish online and how you want to say it.
  • Personality is important. Along with defining your purpose, you need to also define your approach. Businesses aren't entirely the same as people so it's important to start your approach with a defined personality rather than finding out how to handle your approach while you go. Do you want to be on trend? Informational? Competitive? Fun whilst being professional? Have a few meeting and develop your style before launching your accounts.
  • Avoid Oversharing. Oversharing is a natural part of Social Media content. As horrible as it can be sometimes, it's almost necessary (for individuals). Agencies representing companies and corporations need to keep this in mind: it's not okay to overshare when speaking for someone else. Keep posts simple and direct. Make them relevant and fun but avoid oversharing.
  • Command Control. Social Media has a way of manipulating ideas and context. Doug Chia of Johnson & Johnson said, "On one hand, there's a lot of demand for the business to be out on social media, and there's a lot of need to be out there--but on the other hand, you don't want to do anything to destroy the reputation or change it in ways you can't control. Once you're out on social media, the expectations for transparency are much higher than they otherwise are." Loss of control comes from many things, but being too comfortable with transparency is one of the leading causes of this tragedy.
  • Have a social media policy! I cannot stress this enough. Despite all that has happened in the past years with businesses on social media, many today still have not placed a policy or any guidelines on their social media use. This can cause mishaps that are unforgivable and only assist in the loss of control of your online identity. Be smart and provide guidelines that will help prevent disasters! 

So what do you think?

Should businesses build their personality and tone around trends in social media or should they be strictly professional? Do you like the way that businesses like Taco Bell approach their social media use?

Do you have any tips for companies when it come to using social media? What would grab your attention?

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